Thursday, April 23, 2009

New edit, new plan

Well, chopping day was successful. The plan for a while has been to stylize the digital short to look like an old reel of film, with splotch, scratches, poor color etc. and spliced film breaks to allow jump cuts to aid in shortening the running time.

While working on editing, I push that idea further. While trying to approach how I may approach cutting between different camera positions, I came to the idea of making the whole short look like an old screen test. It works well with the contain, and allows wider tolerances of which shots can be edited against each other. One of my advisers, Eric Hanson, even suggested the idea of making the camera moves look shaky, amateur and often off-mark.

To add the random film elements, I'll be using a variety of ways to give as diverse a look to end "shot" of film in the movie...Tinderbox's Old Film in After Effects, Magic Bullet's Misfire in AfterEffects and even compositing in stock footage of film scratches in Nuke, which is the problem I am using to composte Chester, the backgrounds, the props and the animated characters together.

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