Saturday, April 18, 2009

My animation process with the characters

The process startes with the performers in their MoCap suits, I have photos and Sean Cox and myself in the suits with the markers, I will post one, but you'll have to wait...

From there the capture data gets cleaned up in Vicon IQ

After the data is cleaned up, it is export as a C3D file, and the capture marker data is imported in motion Builder, where the markers are matched up to an "actor," something resembling the Michelin Man and the action is double checked.

Then import the character data from Maya, and drive those characters with the actors (which I can then hide). Then i plot out each capture tack I am currently working with, for each character, where it creates the keyframes from my skeleton. After this, I use MotionBuilders story tool to blend that different motions from different takes together into one continuous action.
I can then plot this animation and have a single take to export as a animation-only FBX file for importing into Maya. An extra step that became necessary was deleting the character geometry and leaving just the skeleton. I don't think this was supposed to be necessary, but io had importing problems in Maya if i do not do this extra action.
Importing the animation in Maya becomes a two program problem due to a version control error. I import each character into a new Maya 2008 file and then import the animation FBX. I use Maya 2008 because the FBX import support is vastly better than in Maya 2009. But at this point, I have to save the file and move everything to Maya 2009 becasue soemthing in the character files make the render settings in Maya 2008 useless.

Hand animation is not captured with the MoCap data, instead I have the hands rigged to animate in maya. This rig holds up prefectly, so far, even with the move from Maya to MotionBuilder back to Maya and then maya 2009. Once I have my bodies where I want then, I go through a keyframed the hands
Faces? Next.

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